
Popular Destination

Albanian National Parks

Zemra travel

Karaburun-Sazan National Marine Park,

located along the picturesque coastlines of Karaburun Peninsula and Sazan Island near Vlora, is Albania’s first and only national marine park. Established on April 28, 2010, with support from UNDP, the park spans 12,428 hectares and is a showcase of sustainable tourism and biodiversity conservation. The park features a deep cobalt sea, rich marine life including red coral and Posidonia meadows, and historical ruins ranging from ancient Greek and Roman ships to World War II vessels. It also offers stunning underwater landscapes, steep cliffs, and mysterious caves. Recognized for its environmental and historical significance, the park was declared a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance in 2015. It’s a popular destination for eco-tourism, offering both underwater and panoramic views, and it continues to draw international attention as a hub for conservation and sustainable development.