
Popular Destination

Albanian National Parks

Zemra travel

Divjaka-Karavasta National Park,

is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and a dream spot for birdwatchers on the Adriatic Coast. Home to around 50,000 birds, including the rare Dalmatian Pelican, which makes up about 5% of its global population, the park offers a unique glimpse into the world of these fascinating birds. Spread across four lagoons, the park hosts about 230 bird species, making it a vibrant hub of avian activity. Whether you’re watching a large flock of pelicans reflecting on the water or enjoying the tranquil pine forests, Divjaka-Karavasta is perfect for those seeking peace, natural beauty, and a touch of wilderness. It’s an ideal spot for a quiet picnic, a leisurely day of birdwatching, or even educational outings, thanks to its rich ecological diversity.